Thursday, April 21, 2011

'Friends' supplied Libyan rebels with arms -- and just who are these friends?

Rebels fighting Moamer Kadhafi's rule acquired weapons either by buying them with "Libyan money" or they were supplied by "friends", the head of Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) said Wednesday.

"Indeed, we have received some weapons, but they are not enough," Mustafa Abdel Jalil, a former justice minister who now heads the anti-Kadhafi insurgency, told French television station France 24.

"We received weapons from some friends. I can't identify them now, but I can say that friends gave us weapons and we were also able to buy some with Libyan money," said the rebel leader, who is on a visit to Paris.

He said the role of Qatar, one of three countries along with France and Italy to have recognised the NTC, in the arms delivery was "very limited". (read more)

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