MORE DETAILS FORTHCOMING.In a startling revelation that CERN's Large Hadron Collider may not have been as safe as once claimed, the European Union has hastily established an emergency investigatory unit to look into the disappearance of 37 scientists working at the facility.
The scientists, ranging from physicists to engineering specialists, carried out a variety of functions at the LHC, but all remarkably possessed the same job characteristic -- they were working close to the collider itself.
But that's just the beginning of what promises to be a dark revelation -- after inquiring with staff at the LHC facility prior to CERN's media blackout, one of the workers on the condition of anonymity responded with a series of startling written statements:
"[The lawyers] who had originally tried to stop work at the site were half right and half wrong. No, [the LHC] does not create black holes that will swallow planets. Yes, it does create black holes big enough to cause matter to dematerialize and possibly transport, but we are uncertain as to where. You recall the small group of accidents delaying [the LHC's] work and start up. These were not accidents. [The LHC] was operational. Small components were disappearing, prompting the breakdown and delays. The collider is made to detect the smallest of particles, so these components that had malfunctioned were not debris or melted. They were simply gone."
But even more surprising was the comment that followed:
"CERN is not new. There is nothing new here. We are not conducting ground breaking experiments. We are simply recreating past explorations. I would even call our work derivative."
After requesting further information to back up such claims, no details were obtainable due to CERN's PR team announcing a media blackout pending the investigation's completion, a blackout so thorough that even the news bulletin on CERN's website was pulled within minutes of it being published.
However, further prodding prompted a starting discovery.
In German news archives from 1942 sits a blood-chillingly similar incident in which an experiment in advanced electronics foreshadowed the disappearance of 89 scientists whose team was lead by none other than the engineering master himself, Wernher Von Braun.
Von Braun was the infamous former Nazi and rocket scientist whose expertise had been gobbled up by the west upon the fall of Hitler's regime, which many believe led to the United State's victory in the subsequent space race with the Soviets.
Volkischer Beobachter Archive Photo, dated July 28, 1942
Some notable, if not incredible, quotes from the July 28, 1942 issue of the
Volkischer Beobachter include these translated statements by on-site Polish mechanic, Adalbert Buchalski:
“Something happened, I cant explain it... one minute they were there. I don’t know, the next they were gone... it's the machine.”
The article also mentions that Mr. Buchalski said the group's achievements and subsequent disappearances went as follows:
"The scientists started disappearing once they successfully broke the speed of light and collided the protons."
Could a simple mechanic know such things? Mr Guthrie Eberstark, the floor supervisor at the time of the incident, left a comment harkening back to a more absurd, almost surreal political era when asked about the mechanic: “He is an uneducated fool and most likely a spy.”
We want to know: War-era news or political propaganda piece used to ferret out would-be wrongdoers? Nazi SS or scientific excess?
Back in the present, many questions are being begged, such as, where are the missing 37 scientists? Are they still alive? What's really taking place at the LHC, a facility so large that it spans three national borders and takes enough electricity for a city to operate?
We plan to keep you updated on this unfolding incident, and if any of our European readers can provide further information on the pending investigation, please contact us via the contact page so that we can keep everyone updated.
(read more)April Fool's, everyone! With all the seriousness the The Coming Crisis tackles on a daily basis, we've decided to allow ourselves just one article (out of the thousands we plan to post) a year on April 1st to liven things up, and to push the message that the question mark (?) is a person's most powerful weapon. Thank you all for taking part, and for being dedicated readers -- you are the reason why this site exists!